Contact Us

The Carter School offers programs on Mason's Arlington, Fairfax, and Korea campuses as well as in Malta and at our international retreat and conference center, Point of View.

Carter School at Mason Square in Arlington | Graduate Programs

Telephone: 703-993-1300

Physical Address:
3434 N. Washington Blvd.
Vernon Smith Hall, 5th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201

Mailing Address:
3351 Fairfax Dr. MS 4D3
Arlington, VA 22201

Couriers (FedEx, UPS and DHL) should send to physical address.

Travel to Mason Square by Transit, Car, or Bike

By Transit

Nearest Metro Stops: Virginia Square and Clarendon (about ten-minute walk from any of these metro stops to the Carter School). In order to plan your metro trip, please visit the metro website.

The Fairfax/Mason Square (Arlington) shuttle operates between Sandy Creek Transit Center (with a stop at Rappahannock River Lane) on the Fairfax Campus and Van Metre Hall on Mason Square (Arlington Campus). All shuttles are free for Mason students and employees with valid Mason IDs presented when boarding.

By Car

The Carter School does not have free visitor parking. Please read below for other options. 

Pay parking:
visitor pay parking garage is located beneath Van Metre Hall. Search Google Maps for "Founders Way North" to navigate to its entrance. The parking fee is $3/hr, with a maximum of $15 for the full day and $8 after 5pm and on weekend days.

NOTE: Vernon Smith Hall, where the Carter School is located, does not have any visitor or paid parking available. You may be ticketed if you park there.

There are 80 metered parking spaces in the N. Fairfax Drive cul-de-sac to the east of the intersection of N. Fairfax Drive and Kirkwood Road. These spaces allow parking for up to four hours next to St. Charles Church. They are often filled during peak class periods.

Permit parking: 
Permits are usually obtained at the beginning of the semester for either the Founders Hall garage or the Vernon Smith Hall garage.  See here for more information and to purchase your permits.

Free parking:
There is limited free two-hour parking on Kirkwood Road, north of Washington Boulevard.

Mason Parking has carpool options with benefits which includes discounts and dedicated parking spots.
Mason Zimride is a carsharing program. Good especially for inter-campus carpooling.


By Bike

Bicycle racks are located outside of Van Metre Hall and Vernon Smith Hall and there is a Capital BikeShare station in front of Van Metre Hall. To plan a route to campus, you can reach out to a volunteer contact.

Directions to Mason Square (formerly the Arlington Campus)


Carter School in Fairfax | Undergraduate Programs

Phone: 703-993-4165

Physical Address:
NE Module II
Fairfax, VA 22030

Mailing Address:
4400 University Drive, MSN 2E5
Northeast Module II 
Fairfax, VA 22030

Directions to Fairfax Campus


Carter School Point of View International Retreat Center

Phone: 703-993-8615
Address: 7301 Old Spring Drive, Lorton, VA, 22079

Directions to Point of View
