Conflict Analysis and Resolution studies remain a burgeoning field of academia and practice. Professionals in this field engage in meaningful, impactful and often personally fulfilling work. Our students and alums apply their conflict resolution degrees to a broad array of jobs.

Professions in conflict analysis and resolution are often synonymous with peacekeeping and peacebuilding in the world, but they are not limited to these areas. There are many exciting Conflict Career Paths. There are also exciting and new areas of growth in the field, including peace engineering, technology and innovation. Learn more about our Center for Peace Tech and Entrepreneurship.
Our graduates are employed in a wide spectrum of careers. They are armed with the knowledge and skills to navigate, manage and transform conflict dynamics, making them valued employees and prospective job candidates. Our students develop and apply problem-solving skills along with leadership, critical thinking, effective team collaboration, and multi-cultural fluency skills in the workplace. Most importantly our students have a common goal and calling, a desire to create positive change and do good in the world. We are a community of Do-Gooders!
2024 Career Connection Faculty Award recipient Antti Pentikäinen

Antti Pentikäinen has been honored as the recipient of the 2024 Career Connection Faculty Award. This prestigious award is a testament to Pentikäinen's extraordinary commitment to enhancing our students' career readiness, a commitment that clearly reflects the values and aspirations of our George Mason University community.
Pentikäinen was chosen for this accolade after being nominated by three of our students in recognition of his remarkable contributions to their career goals, employment plans, or graduate school preparation.
His dedication to going above and beyond his duties as a faculty member, investing additional time and energy into guiding our students toward their future successes, is truly commendable. Among the 117 faculty nominated across the university, Pentikäinen's efforts have shone brightly, making him a deserving recipient of this annual award.
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