Conflict Analysis and Resolution Graduate Certificate
This certificate is specifically tailored to provide students with practical knowledge of conflict analysis and resolution relevant to their focused areas of work. Designed for mid-career professionals studying in a cohort environment, this certificate program integrates conflict analysis and resolution theory, research, and practical technique. This program uses intensive course sessions, lecture, seminar, and applied mentored learning in real and simulated situations to prepare students to use conflict analysis and resolution approaches in their work in a variety of fields. Students choose one of four concentrations to focus their learning of using practical techniques within specialized areas of study.

Program Requirements
Number of Credit Hours: 15 graduate credit hours
Required Courses: 6 credits
CONF 501: Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
CONF 668: Applied Integration for Graduate Certificates (3 credits)
Students must also select one concentration and complete all requirements.
Concentrations: 9 credits
Advanced Skills: Lead, negotiate, and transform complex conflict systems.
- CONF 650: Conflict Analysis and Resolution Advanced Skills (3 credits)
- CONF 660: Conflict Assessment and Program Evaluation (3 credits)
Select 1 course from the following (3 credits)
- CONF 657: Facilitation Skills
- CONF 658: Diversity and Difference in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- CONF 659: Leadership in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- CONF 665: Special Topics in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
- CONF 704: Narrative Approaches to Conflict Analysis
- CONF 741: Negotiating in Complex Systems
- CONF 755: Transforming Conflict through Insight
Course descriptions are available in the university catalog.
Prevention and Stabilization Contexts: Design and implement interventions in post-conflict environments.
- CONF 652: Conflict Analysis and Resolution for Prevention, Reconstruction, and Stabilization Contexts (3 credits)
- CONF 660: Conflict Assessment and Program Evaluation (3 credits)
Select 1 course from the following (3 credits)
- CONF 657: Facilitation Skills (3 credits)
- CONF 658: Diversity and Difference in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 659: Leadership in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 665: Special Topics in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 732: Conflict in Development (3 credits)
- CONF 733: Law and Justice from a Conflict Perspective (3 credits)
- CONF 752: Dynamics of Post-War Peacebuilding (3 credits)
Course descriptions are available in the university catalog.
World Religions and Peacebuilding: Strengthen civil society by engaging non-violent religious practices.
- CONF 653 World Religions, Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 660 Conflict Assessment and Program Evaluation (3 credits)
Select 1 course from the following (3 credits)
- CONF 657: Facilitation Skills (3 credits)
- CONF 658: Diversity and Difference in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 659: Leadership in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 665: Special Topics in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
Course descriptions are available in the university catalog.
Collaborative Community Action: Build new forms of cooperation in communities divided by ethnicity, gender, race, culture, and class.
- CONF 651: Collaborative Community Action Participatory Governance (3 credits)
- CONF 657: Facilitation Skills (3 credits)
Select 1 course from the following (3 credits)
- CONF 658: Diversity and Difference in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 659: Leadership in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 660: Conflict Assessment and Program Evaluation (3 credits)
- CONF 665: Special Topics in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 720: Ethnic and Cultural Factors in Conflict Resolution (3 credits)
- CONF 721: Conflict and Race (3 credits)
- CONF 723: Conflict and Gender (3 credits)
- CONF 733: Law and Justice from a Conflict Perspective (3 credits)
Course descriptions are available in the university catalog.