Affiliate Faculty
Affiliate Faculty, Carter School
Associate Professor, Co-Director, Center for International Education, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University, Carter SchoolAffiliate Faculty, Carter School
Professor of Sociology, George Mason University, Carter SchoolAffiliate Faculty, Carter School
Mediator and Facilitator, Institute for Engagement & Negotiation, University of Virginia, Carter SchoolAffiliate Faculty, Raphaël Lemkin Genocide Prevention Program, Carter School
Director of Graduate Programs, Philosophy
Assistant Professor, PhilosophyDr. Fyfe’s research interests are in political philosophy, ethics, and legal philosophy, with a focus on philosophy and international conflict, particularly international criminal law.Affiliate Faculty, Carter School
Professor of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Carter SchoolVisiting Scholar, Carter School
Affiliate Faculty, Carter School
Senior Fellow for Innovation and emeritus member of the Board of Directors, Alliance for Peacebuilding, Carter SchoolCharles “Chip” Hauss has been exploring ways of producing large scale social and political change through nonviolent and cooperative means for five decades. In all of this work, he has tried to be a political bridge builder who brings “strange political bedfellows” together to help solve problems that can only be effectively addressed if they work together.Affiliate Faculty, Carter School
Professor Emerita of Conflict Management, Kennesaw State University, Carter SchoolAffiliate Faculty, Carter School
Professor of Government and Politics, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Carter SchoolMark N. Katz earned his Ph.D. in political science at MIT in 1982. He has been teaching at George Mason University since 1988. He has written primarily on Soviet/Russian foreign and military policy, especially toward the Middle East. Among other awards, he has received both a fellowship and a grant from the United States Institute of Peace. He has served on several Conflict Analysis and Resolution dissertation committees for the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.Affiliate Faculty, Carter School
Professor of Public Sociology, George Mason University, Carter SchoolLester Kurtz is professor of public sociology at George Mason University, currently teaching at its campus in Korea; he teaches courses on violence and nonviolence, peace and conflict, social movements, comparative sociology of religion, and global social thought. Kurtz holds a Master's in Religion from Yale University and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago and was previously director of Religious Studies at the University of Texas-Austin.Affiliate Faculty, Carter School
Dr. Oren grew up and studied in Israel (at the Hebrew University and at Tel-Aviv University). Her research focus is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israeli public opinion. and political psychology. She is an author and co-author of 2 books, and she has published numerous articles in various journals such as Journal of Peace Research, Political Psychology, Social Issues and Policy Review, International Journal of Intercultural Relations and Peace and Conflict. Selected Publications