Gifts of scholarship are our top priority because it is support that changes the lives of Carter School students, and the communities they are working with to build peace and pursue justice. Each gift is an investment in potential--the potential of what students can achieve and the potential for positive change in the world.
In the 2024 academic year, we were proud to recognize incoming and current students with over $152,000 in scholarships and fellowship awards. We are grateful to all the donors who give to current-use funds and scholarship endowments; this support allows the Carter School to make awards on an ongoing basis to benefit the most students possible.
Students are welcome to apply for multiple scholarships but must complete individual applications for each award.
Undergraduate Scholarships
The Harold "Hal" and Carol Saunders Scholarship
This scholarship celebrates Harold and Carol Saunders and their personal commitments to education and increasing access for future generation leaders in the field of conflict resolution. Students with a focus in diplomacy, sustained dialogue, peace building, or human rights qualify.
- Successful candidates will support their interest in the above topics through research, practice, or scholarly work.
- Students with experience in civil service are encouraged to apply.
- This scholarship is renewable for multiple years.
- Awards range between $1,000 to $2,000.
School-Wide Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate). Fall Award Payment.
The IMPACT Morgan Scholarship - Apply by December 11, 2024 - Deadline Extended
The IMPACT Morgan Scholarship supports students pursuing an internship, study abroad experience, or the Peacebuilding Fellowship. This scholarship awards up to $2,000 to a qualifying student for use in either spring or summer semester.
Applicants should submit their transcript (unofficial) and a 300-word written statement that describes their upcoming semester experience and how it connects to one of the following values: (I)nnovation, (M)ulti-cultural understanding, (P)eacebuilding, (A)ction, (C)ollaborative solutions, (T)olerance.
Qualifications to apply:
- 45 credit hours completed by application due date
- Enrolled full time as a CONF major
- Minimum GPA of 3.25
- Planned participation in study abroad, Peacebuilding Fellows, or an internship during the period Jan though August immediately following the application deadline
- Recipients must be U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, have Temporary Protected Status or qualify for support through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program
Apply for the IMPACT Morgan Scholarship
Graduate Scholarships
Beverly Heravi Memorial Scholarship - Apply by December 11, 2024 - Deadline Extended
Beverly Heravi was known for her passion for education and understood that some academic ambitions were constrained by financial hardship. A dear colleague once noted, "Bev had a fierce intellect and profound intellectual curiosity. In different circumstances, such as those a scholarship in her name will support, Bev herself may have trained to be a doctor."
This award was established by Beverly's son and Carter School alumnus, Sean Heravi, MS '19, to recognize students committed to female empowerment, educating and equipping students with the skills and confidence to rise above barriers.
Award ranges between $1,000 and $1,500. Graduate students only.
Apply for the Beverly Heravi Memorial Scholarship
Dennis Sandole Memorial Scholarship - Apply by December 11, 2024 - Deadline Extended
This scholarship honors Dr. Dennis Sandole’s legacy and impact at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution by helping provide for the education of our world’s next generation of peace builders. Qualified candidates will articulate how they carry forward Dr. Sandole’s theoretical scholarship and/or apply it to practice. International students and/or students who serve(d) in the armed forces are encouraged to apply.
Awards will range between $1,000 to $1,500.
Apply for the Dennis Sandole Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin and Edith Avruch Scholarship
This scholarship recognizes graduate students working on issues related to the prevention of genocide, mass atrocities, state-sponsored violence, violence against ethnic or religious minorities, refugees, or war.
- Students with a demonstrated interest in the above topics-- either through research, practice, or scholarly work--should apply.
- This scholarship is renewable for multiple years.
- Awards range between $1,500 to $2,500.
Apply for the Benjamin and Edith Avruch Scholarship
Brenda Rubenstein Award
- The award is made to a rising, second year Master's student.
- Successful candidates have a strong record of academic achievements during the first year and demonstrate promise as a contributor to the field of conflict analysis and resolution.
- Awards will range between $500 to $800.
Apply for the Brenda Rubenstein Award
The Harold "Hal" and Carol Saunders Scholarship
This scholarship celebrates Harold and Carol Saunders and their personal commitments to education and increasing access for future generation leaders in the field of conflict resolution. Students with a focus in diplomacy, sustained dialogue, peace building, or human rights qualify.
- Successful candidates will support their interest in the above topics through research, practice, or scholarly work.
- Students with experience in civil service are encouraged to apply.
- This scholarship is renewable for multiple years.
- Awards range between $1,000 to $2,000.
School-Wide Scholarship (Graduate and Undergraduate). Fall Award Payment.
Apply for the Harold "Hal" and Carol Saunders Scholarship
Joan Shapiro Scholarship
The Joan Shapiro scholarship is available graduate students to assist with costs related to an applied research project.
- Students will be asked to submit the final report on their project as part of an archive of projects supported by the Shapiro Scholarship.
- Students will be chosen based on academic performance and the quality of the proposed applied research project.
- Awards range between $1,000 to $2,000.
Graduate Student Only. Fall Award Payment.
Apply for the Joan Shapiro Scholarship
Wallace Warfield Scholarship
This scholarship honors Wallace Warfield and his philosophy that theory and practice must be a collaborative process. The Carter School carries forward his legacy in the field and exceptional commitment to students through this award.
- This scholarship supports students conducting fieldwork, a practicum or internship in conflict analysis and resolution.
- Recipients will be chosen based on financial need and academic merit.
- Successful candidates submit high quality practice projects, applicable to the field of conflict analysis and resolution with potential to benefit the external community.
Award is $1,000.
Graduate Student Only. Fall Award Payment.
Apply for the Wallace Warfield Scholarship
Recruitment Awards
John W. Burton Scholarship
This scholarship celebrates the life and legacy of John Burton, a pioneer in conflict resolution and leader for the Carter School.
This scholarship supports students who have demonstrated excellence in academics and an advanced understanding of the role of human needs in promoting conflict.
Successful candidates focus on collaborative problem-solving across conflict divides and keeps the spirit of John Burton’s work alive at the Carter School.
Awards range between $2,000 to $3,000.
Stephen M. Cumbie and Druscilla French Graduate Fellowship
This scholarship recognizes graduate students who are pursuing research or fieldwork in any of the following areas: human rights, community resilience and empowerment, citizen or track two diplomacy, direct dialogue, and peace processes.
- Scholarships can support travel costs, living expenses, project related expenses, language study.
- Successful candidates are participating in a structured research project, or fieldwork through coursework and individual projects.
- Awards range between $2,500 to $5,000.
Dominion Energy Scholars Program for Dispute Resolution
This award helps attract students from diverse backgrounds to the Contemporary Dispute Resolution Graduate Certificate to cultivate socially-just mediation practices.
Hadhramout Foundation Doctoral Fellowship
This doctoral fellowship recognize students with a demonstrated interest or experience in advancing conflict resolution and education in Yemen. The Hadhramout Foundation works to improve education in Yemen through youth empowerment.
James H. Laue Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship award honors the memory of James Laue; his dedication and service to the field of education and in particular, the Carter School.
- This award recognizes graduate students from under-represented groups in the field of conflict resolution and within the Carter School.
- This award recognizes students with scholarly work in an area that represents a continuation of the work of James Laue, particularly in areas of civil rights, non-violence, and peace education.
- Awards will range between $1,500 to $3,500.
Focus Area / Special Topic Awards
Points of contact for each scholarship are available to share criteria details or the nomination process.
American Council for Judaism Fellowship Endowment
The American Council for Judaism (ACJ) is committed to maintaining diversity of expression within the worldwide Jewish community and promotes the full integration and equality of peoples of all faiths and heritages in all lands. The ACJ seeks an expansion of moral and ethical ideas throughout the world by supporting the work of scholars who are pursuing critical thinking and research to promote peace and conflict resolution.
Awards range $2,000 to $3,000. Contact for more information.
Richard J. and Marian M. Walker Fellowships for the Carter School
The Walker Fellowship Fund provides support for graduate students seeking to participate in the study of conflict in countries outside the United States. Fellowship funds are intended support travel to Bosnia Herzegovina in 2020 and Ukraine in 2021, this award is renewable.
- Recipients may be full-time or part-time students; and may be in-state or out-of-state students.
- Recipients will be chosen based on financial need and academic merit, a minimum GPA of 3.3 is required.
- Awards range between $2,000 to $3,000.
This award is restricted to graduate students. Contact for more information.
Mary Lynn Boland Award for Outstanding Student Service
Faculty Nominated Only*
This award is given annually to a student who has made an outstanding contribution to the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution and its academic program in terms of time, involvement, dedication, and service.
The award winners are individuals who excel at collaborative problem solving, whose contributions to the Carter School community have enriched the School and those surrounding them.
Faculty Form to Nominate Students
Additional Sources of Funding
Graduate Research Assistants
A select number of doctoral students are offered Graduate Research Assistant positions each year as part of the admissions process. The positions include a stipend, tuition assistance, and subsidized health insurance and requires a 20 hour per week commitment. No separate application is necessary, the review committee will use the admissions application. If there is a vacant position, it is advertised in April for the following year. Current Carter School students will receive the call for applications.
Additional GRA positions may become available through grant funds. These are advertised to the Carter School student community as they become available. The positions include a stipend, tuition assistance, and subsidized health insurance and requires a 20 hour per week commitment.
Graduate Teaching Assistants
Each year the Carter School selects a small group of Doctoral students, usually students that have advanced to candidacy, as Teaching Assistants. GTAs may be assigned to teach undergraduate course sections, assist faculty with course, or provide advising or course development support. A call for GTA's and application instructions will go out in April for the following year. The positions include a stipend, tuition assistance, and subsidized health insurance and requires an approximately 20 hour per week commitment.
Graduate Lecturers
Graduate students can serve as graduate lecturers for undergraduate conflict courses if they hold a Master's degree or have taken at least 18 graduate credits in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. Open calls and application instructions for Graduate lecturers are circulated when courses are available.
Grants and Grant Writing
Students are encouraged to obtain grants. Contact the Carter School's Development Director, Maria Seniw for assistance with writing and managing grants. Usually grants are administered through the Office of Sponsored Programs, which offer grant writing resources and supports.
To find grants, start with Mason's Office of Research Development for workshops, recommended databanks, and other information about grants and grant writing. University Libraries also host several databases for grants, including access to The Foundation Center. Students may find The Foundation Center's free workshops, training videos, and online seminars to be of great help. For online grant-writing courses, log into your LinkedIn Learning account.
*Note- access to the Foundation Directory may require a Mason Patriotpass off campus. The Arlington County Central Public Library also has a version available if you have an Arlington library card.
Students often obtain fellowships to support their studies and research travel. Connect with Mason's Office of Graduate Fellowships for rich information and guidance on finding and applying for fellowships.
Mason's Graduate Student Travel Fund (GSTF)
You can get support to present at conferences through Mason's Graduate Student Travel Fund (GSTF).
Mason believes attending conferences is a vital part of your studies, as it helps you:
- Interact with students and professionals conducting research in your field.
- Start forming a professional network.
- Be inspired by new ideas.
- Get some practical advice.
More information and applications instructions are available here.
On Campus Employment
The Carter School hires a number of students in part-time roles. Look for announcements on in the emailed weekly newsletters. Information about other campus jobs can be found on Mason's Career Opportunities website. Connect with Mason's Career Services or the Carter School Career Advisor for the tools to help you find work on and off campus.
Financial Aid and Residency
See Mason's Office of Financial Aid for assistance with applying for federal loans and other forms of financial assistance. Students may be able to submit a domicile appeal for a reduction in tuition if you meet the Commonwealth of Virginia's requirements.

The Carter School's annual Celebration of Scholarship.