
  • Headshot Photo of Susan Allen

    Henry Hart Rice Chair and Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Carter School
    Director of Graduate Programs, Carter School

    Susan Allen is a scholar-practitioner of conflict resolution. Her main focus is on reflective practice and research that emerges from practice contexts.
  • Headshot of Charles Chavis

    Assistant Professor of Conflict Resolution and History, Carter School
    Director of the John Mitchell, Jr. Program for History, Justice, and Race, Carter School

    Dr. Chavis is a historian and museum educator whose work focuses on the history of racial violence and civil rights activism and Black and Jewish relations in the American South, and the ways in which the historical understandings of racial violence and civil rights activism can inform current and future approaches to peacebuilding and conflict resolution throughout the world.
  • Silvia Danielak smiling

    Assistant Professor of Environmental Conflict and Peacebuilding, Carter School

    Dr. Danielak is an assistant professor at the Carter School whose research focuses on urban and environmental peacebuilding, UN peace operations, as well as conflict and security in the context of climate adaptation, energy transition, and infrastructure building.
  • Photo of Leslie Dwyer

    Associate Professor of Conflict Analysis and Anthropology, Carter School
    Director of the Center for the Study of Gender and Conflict, Carter School

    Leslie Dwyer is a cultural anthropologist whose academic research focuses on issues of violence, gender, post-conflict social life, transitional justice, and the politics of memory and identity.
  • Photo of Thomas Flores

    Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution and Political Science, Carter School

    Dr. Flores' research focuses on democratization, civil conflict, and economic development.
  • Photo of Marc Gopin

    James H. Laue Professor of World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, Carter School
    Director, Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, Carter School

    Marc Gopin is the James H. Laue Professor of World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution and the Director of the Center for World Religions, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution.
  • Photo of Susan Hirsch

    Vernon M. and Minnie I. Lynch Chair of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Carter School
    Professor of Conflict Resolution and Anthropology, Carter School

    Dr. Hirsch's scholarship focuses on law in relation to conflict; international and transitional justice; legal integration and religious minorities; environmental justice; feminist approaches to law and conflict, experiential learning, and legal responses to terrorism.
  • Photo of Douglas Irvin-Erickson

    Assistant Professor, Carter School
    Director of the Genocide Prevention Program, Carter School

    Dr. Irvin-Erickson is a political theorist and diplomatic historian working in the area of international criminal law, global justice, and genocide prevention.
  • Photo of Karina Korostelina

    Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Carter School

    Professor Korostelina is a social psychologist whose work focuses on social identity and dynamics of identity and power in protracted social conflicts.
  • Photo of Soonjung Kwon with arms crossed

    Assistant professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, at George Mason Korea

    Assistant professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason Korea specialized in peace, human rights and citizenship education and educational sociology.