Conflict resolution alum apply their degrees very broadly as they tackle the many different complex problems we face today.
Since conflict is present in every field and all job sectors, our students have the flexibility to be employed across a wide spectrum or careers. Knowing how to handle disagreement well is a skill. Conflict Resolution students develop problem-solving skills along with interpersonal communication, writing, research, effective team collaboration, and multi-cultural fluency - skills in demand among today's employers! Besides the development of critical skills, the one thing students in this major have in common is the desire to create positive change in the world - our students tailor their plans of study and alum apply their degrees very broadly as they tackle the many different complex problems we face today.

Skills Most Valued by Employers
❏ Communication skills (written and verbal)
❏ Critical thinking/problem solving
❏ Digital technology
❏ Teamwork/collaboration
❏ Leadership
❏ Professionalism/work ethic
❏ Global and multicultural fluency
Examples of Employers and Roles
NGOs, Non-Profits, Peace Centers/Agencies
- United States Institute of Peace
- Alliance for Peacebuilding
- Search for Common Ground
- Red Cross / Salvation Army / FEMA
- Seeds for Peace / Global Youth Village
- Americorps / Peace Corps
- Mary Hoch Center for Reconciliation
- One Common Unity
- DOJ Community Relations Services
- National Endowment for Democracy
- Cure Violence
- Mercy Corps
- Ashoka
Diplomacy, Security, Federal Agencies, Think Tanks
- State Department
- Stimson Center
- Human Rights Watch
- United Nations
- Brookings Institute
- Federal Emergency Management
- Council on Foreign Relations
- CATO Institute
- Aspen Institute
- US Trade and Development Agency
- Woodrow Wilson International Center
- USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
- UN Refugee Agency
- Center for Disease Control
- US Marshalls
- Atlantic Council
- Secret Service
- Drug Enforcement Agency
- Department of Justice
- US Foreign Service
- US Coast Guard
- Bi-Partisan Policy Center
- Library of Congress
- World Watch Institute
- Organization of American States
- International Rescue Committee
- World Trade Organization
- World Health Organization
- Center for Immigration Studies
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Department of Homeland Security
- US Agency for International Development
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement
- Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms
- Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation
- International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism
Conflict Resolution and Corporations
- Human Resources
- Labor Relations
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Sustainability
- Law / Ethics
- Change Management
- Consulting
- Entrepreneurship
Hospitality, Arts, Entertainment, Travel, & Culture
- Images for Good
- Games for Change
- Art Lords
- Move this World
- Busboys & Poets
- Events Promotion
- Split This Rock
- Hoops for Hope
- Theatre of the Oppressed
- Wilderness Education
- Documentary Film
- Lonely Planet
- Bureau of Education
- & Cultural Affairs
- Track II Diplomacy efforts
- UN World Tourism Association
Peace, Youth, and Education
Improve Systems
- Non-Profits like Ka-Boom
- Peer Mediation
- Restorative Justice
- Special Needs Advocacy
- Equity Intiatives
Be an educator
- Teach for America
- Professional Development
Build Community
- University Life Programs
- Peace Education
Coordinate Travel Programs
- Parts Unknown
- Gap Years
- State Department
- Fulbright
- Lonely Planet
Develop Camp Experiences
- Wilderness Education
- Team Building
- Seeds of Peace
Banking, Financial, Insurance, Real Estate
- International Monetary Fund Research Assistant
- International Corporate Accountability
- Roundtable Associate
- World Bank Global Partnerships Specialist
- Equity Analyst
- Diversity and Inclusion Manager
- Compliance Officer
- Community Planning Director
- Director Community Relations
- International Trade Compliance Manager
- Land Use and Zoning Associate
- Foundation Program Manager
- Pulse Humanities Lab collaborates to adapt technologies to meet community-driven needs, enable sustainable innovations and create social change.
- Parsons Corp innovative technology-based solutions for a safer, healthier, more connected world
- Moonshot CVE tracks violent extremism online
- Peace Engineering Lab Carter School
- Data for Peace and Security group on LinkedIn
- Diplo Foundation focuses on data diplomacy and internet governance
- All Tech is Human toolkits, principles, and governance to be aware of, offers podcasts, organizations, and journalists to follow, newsletters, industry reports, and books to read, webinars to watch, online courses, fellowships,
- AI for Peace focuses on human rights and security and how technology can be leveraged for good.
- Hatebase tracks hate speech online.
- Build Up combines peacebuilding best practices, participatory methodologies, and digital technologies to identify and address emergent challenges to peace
- The Markkula Center provides virtual workshops and information regarding ethics in tech
- PeaceTech Lab in partnership with the United States Institute of Peace, tasked with finding peacebuilding solutions
- The Trust and Transparency Lab brings together policymakers and innovative thinkers to collaborate on improving product trust, transparency, and control in digital products
- The National Security Innovation Network hosts events, hackathons, funding, and collaboration opportunities for students
- The Omidyar Network offers funding for project ideas related to these three categories: reimagining capitalism, beneficial technology, and discovering emergent issues
- Mozilla Foundation fund research on polarization and digital security
- The Aspen Tech Policy Hub offers fellowships for those pursuing tech and policy
- TheBridge hosts events in the DC area for those interested in tech, ethics, and policy
Working Local
- School Zoning
- Immigrant Resources
- Public Transportation
- Low Income Housing
- Support for Food Security
- Youth Programing
- Parks and Green Space
- Trails and Bike Lanes
- Job Retraining
- Graduation Rates
- Community Building Initiatives
- Festivals
- Local Chapters of Advocacy Groups
Counseling, Health, & Well-Being
- Health Equity Director
- Global Health Initiative Program Coordinator
- Pandemic Response Manager
- Health & Wellness Coordinator
- Nursing Home Client Family Relations Coordinator
- Workplace Well-Being Advisor
- Assisted Living Activities Director
- Special Needs Services Coordinator
- Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapist
Courts, Corrections, & Law Enforcement
- Juvenile Courts
- Community Policing Reform
- Restorative Justice
- Mediation
- Law Enforcement
- Prison Reform
- Advocacy
- Offender Resources
- Victim Support

Marina Chafa, Conflict Analysis and Resolution major, interned for Senator Elizabeth Warren over the summer.