Cece Foye is an incoming freshman in the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution and member of the Honors College.
As a University Scholar, Cece is among a small number of incoming Honors College freshmen selected each year through a competitive process to join a four-year cohort of student leaders who also receive a full-tuition scholarship. Cece is also a participant in the Bonner Leadership program, which provides a stipend to select incoming students dedicated to exploring the concepts of citizenship and democracy through course work and through a partnership with a community agency.

Jeffrey Zitomer: Where are you from?
Cece Foye: Born in Greensboro, NC, but I’ve moved around. I’ve lived in Kodiak Alaska and Atlanta GA, but now I’m back in Greensboro. I lived with my mother, grandma and great-grandma, and before I came out as non-binary, we used to call ourselves the “four generations of women!” In fact, my nana just turned 100 a week ago.
Jeffrey: What are you passionate about?
Cece: I’m a singer – I’m starting an acapella group at Mason. It’s going to be called the Mason Madrigals, specializing in renaissance acapella! I’m also a ballroom dancer and a “scare” actor, one of the actors you would encounter in a Halloween haunted house. Last year I acted in “The Purge” area of a haunted house called “Woods of Terror.”
I also love working in the community and helping others. That’s why I chose conflict resolution as my major.
I’m currently involved with a community organization, NCCJ, North Carolina for Community and Justice. I went to their summer camp two years ago and it totally shaped who I am. This year I was a counselor. I also do some volunteering for them.
Jeffrey: What kind of music do you listen to?
Cece: I listen to a bit of everything, but I prefer indie rock and indie pop. I went to two concerts last week, Still Woozy and Glass Animals, and those are my top two bands.
Jeffrey: Do you have a pet at home?
Cece: I have two cats. One is a tortie named Spazzy and Cedar is our six-month-old orange kitten.
Jeffrey: What most excites you about college?
Cece: I’m excited to discover who I am, as a person, outside of my comfort zone. I intentionally applied to out-of-state schools for that reason. I’m so exited to be near DC!
Jeffrey: Why did you choose the Carter School?
Cece: For my whole life, my family saying has been “if you see somebody struggling, help them.” That goes from helping people who may have dropped something to collecting food for people living in food deserts. I also love a good protest.
Jeffrey: Ideally, what would you like to do, post-graduation?
Cece: For the most part, I’m still figuring out the details, but I would like to work in social justice, particularly LGBTQ advocacy. So, either a LGBTQ center or a general organization, fighting for human rights.