Professor Emeritus of Conflict Resolution, Carter School, George Mason University
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University
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Carlos E Sluzki is a Professor Emeritus of Conflict Resolution. He has held numerous teaching, service, and administrative appointments, including Professor at the School of Conflict Analysis and Resolution and the College of Health and Human Services, George Mason University (2002- 2014); Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of California Los Angeles School of Medicine and Director of Psychiatric and Chemical Dependency Services, Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, Santa Barbara, CA (1995-2002); Professor of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School and Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Berkshire Medical Center, Pittsfield, Massachusetts (1984-2002); Professor of Psychiatry and Family and Community Medicine, University of California San Francisco (1980-1984) and Director of Training (1976-1980) and Director, Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto, California (1980-1983). He has been Editor-in-Chief of the journals Acta Psiquiatrica y Psicologica de America Latina, Family Process, and the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
Dr. Sluzki graduated as a medical doctor at the University of Buenos Aires. After completing his training in psychiatry and psychoanalysis, he moved to the United States and joined one of the pioneer centers in the development of the field of family therapy. In addition to his clinical and administrative career, he has been a strong contributor over the years to the fields of family dynamics and therapy, interpersonal social networks, larger systemic processes, migration and refugees, conflict resolution, and related fields. He has been advisor to the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court and to UNHCR programs, with research and advisory field work in Rwanda, Uganda, Kosova, and Liberia, and multiple publications, presentations, and consultations worldwide. He lives and practices in Washington, DC.
Honors and Awards
- 1972-73 Guggenheim Fellow
- 1973-74 Foundations Fund for Research in Psychiatry Advanced Fellow
- 1980 Distinguished Teaching Award, University of California San Francisco
- 1981 Award for Distinguished Achievements in New Directions in Family Therapy—MRI Group. American Family Therapy Academy
- 1989 Merit Diploma, Universidad de las Americas (Mexico)
- 1994 Exemplary Psychiatrist Award, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
- 2000 Award for Meritorious Achievements in the Field of Family Therapy, American Family Therapy Academy
- 2000 Professor of Psychology Honoris Causa, University of Buenos Aires School of Psychology
- 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award, International Family Therapy Association
- 2018 Distinguished Career in Science Award, Washington Academy of Sciences
- 2018 Doctor Honoris Causa, Maimonides University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Honorary Member of the European Family Therapy Association, Italian Society for Family Therapy, French Society for Family Therapy, Argentine Association for Family Therapy, Turkish Association of Family Therapy, Mexican Association for Family Therapy, South African Association for Family Therapy, Portuguese Society for Family Therapy, Hellenic Family Therapy Association, Japanese Foundation for Brief Therapy, and International Association of Systemic Mediation.
- President, keynote speaker, member of organizing and scientific committees in multiple professional congresses in the fields of mental health, human rights, cross-cultural dynamics and couples and family therapy in North and Latin America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.
- Over 300 professional articles, book chapters and book prologues
Recent Books
- Sluzki CE (2015): Presence of the Absent: Therapy with Families with Ghosts. New York, Rutledge. Also in Spanish: Buenos Aires, Gedisa, 2012; and, in French: Paris, DeBoeck, 2014.
- Bigliani CG, Moguillanski R, & Sluzki CE, (2013): Shame and Humiliation: A Dialogue between Psychoanalytic and Systemic Approaches. London, Karnak. In Portuguese: Sao Paulo, Zagodoni, 2013; and in Spanish: Buenos Aires, Glova, 2022
- Sluzki CE (1997, multiple subsequent editions): The (Personal) Social Network: Frontier of Systemic Practices. (in Spanish) Barcelona: Gedisa; and (in Portuguese) Sao Paulo: Casa do Psicologo, 1997.
- MD, Medical Doctor, University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine
- Psychiatric Training, Department of Psychiatry, "G.Araoz Alfaro" General Hospital, Lanus, Argentina
- Family Therapist, Intensive Training Programs, Mental Research Institute, Palo Alto, California.
- Psychoanalyst, Diploma, International Psychoanalytic Association, Argentine Psychoanalytic Association Institute of Psychoanalysis