Visiting Scholar, Carter School, 2024-2025
Contact Information
Email: iguven@gmu.edu
Ibrahim Fevzi Guven is a political scientist, whose main research interests include peace and conflict studies, the local turn in peacebuilding, post-conflict societies, everyday peace, nationalism, and security studies.
Guven's research has primarily centered on the Balkan region, particularly post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has conducted field studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and has published several scholarly articles, book chapters, and conference papers on the region.
He joins the Carter School from Karabuk University in Turkey, where he worked as a lecturer in the Department of International Relations.
He will be a visiting scholar at the Carter School from January 2024 to January 2025 to conduct a research project titled 'Everyday Peace in the Interpretation of the Past in Post-Conflict Societies: The Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina,' which is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK).