Assistant professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, at George Mason Korea
Contact Information
Email: skwon32@gmu.edu
Dr. Soonjung Kwon is a peace educator and researcher in South Korea working mainly in the field of educational movements and policies. She taught and participated in several research projects related to peace, for instance, human rights education, global citizenship education, education for SDGs, and multicultural and unification education in South Korea. She also worked as a research fellow at the Educational Policy Institute, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education and worked on the issues of conflicts in the process of democratization of school system and culture.
She has been participated as a committee member for the research development in The Korean Society for Sociology of Education and the Korean Society of Education for International Understanding since 2017. Additionally, she is also a committee member of Korean Comparative Education Society and Korean NGO - Conflict resolution and Dialogue from 2023.
She was a guest editor for the special issue on peace education in Asian Journal of Peacebuilding published by Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University. Finally, she recently translated a book on peace education - Encyclopedia of peace education - into Korean language and worked with international peace educators producing articles and books on peace education, decolonization and school violence.
PhD, Education, University of Birmingham, UK (17, Jan, 2011 – 8, Jul, 2015)
Thesis: Violence in South Korean schools and its relevance to peace education
MA, Peace Education, University for Peace, Costa Rica (24, Aug, 2005 – 28, Jul, 2006)
Thesis: Integration of peace education into school classrooms in South Korean context based on the
The 7th Curricula
BA, Theology, Hanshin University in Osan, South Korea (2, Mar, 2001 – 23, Feb, 2005)
Major in Theology (teacher education, English literature)